公司创办于 2005年,注册资本3500万元 ,专业生产塑料中空板箱,环保可循环周转箱,彩印果蔬箱等,是一家集产品研发、生产、销售于一体的高新技术企业。先后被评为省专精特新企业,国家高新技术企业,浙江省著名商号,浙江省著名商标,浙江省科技型企业,浙江省隐形冠军培育企业,温州市高成长型企业,温州市著名商标,温州市名牌产品等荣誉。
Tianrui company was founded in 2005, the registered capital 35 million yuan, specialized in the production of plastic hollow board boxes, environmental protection recyclable turnover boxes, colorful printing fruit and vegetable boxes, etc., Our company is a set of product development, production, sales in one of the high-tech enterprises.